God Will Provide

Last night it was my mom’s birthday. We had a family dinner at home. It was a great dinner. Good food and wine. I sat there thinking that we’re indeed still luckier than most.

My mom had been wanting to have a family talk, just the four of us to plan out our year and hopefully more than that. So last night was a perfect opportunity about that.

One of the things that I shared with them was my concern of what to do in the future. I’m starting out the year with great challenges ahead. There will be some big changes and I have yet to figure out what to do. This is mostly related to work. So my main concern was what to do about that.

I told them that I had a goal that within my 30s I should have come up with a new and successful business that will sustain our life for the years to come. I still don’t know how to do it but that’s my plan. I have several things I want to do now but right now it’s still a plan.

Today I prayed and instead of randomly picking out a passage in the Bible, I decided to read the gospel for today. The gospel came from Mark 6: 34-44. It narrates the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. It shows how Jesus was able to provide for 5,000 people with the simple resources available to them. More than that, after everyone ate, there were still an abundance of food.

I guess in a way, this reading assured me that God will provide. There was a reflection after the reading (I got the gospel through a daily email my uncle forwards to us), it talks about the fact that while God/Jesus provides he asks us to take the initiative. The Apostles provided the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and Jesus did the rest.

I don’t expect God to provide while I’m sitting on my butt and doing nothing. I need to start it and God will take it from there and guide me along the way.

I’d like to share the last paragraph or the reflection.

bq. We praise and thank You, Father God, for providing us with all the things we need in life, and for nourishing us with Your Word, and the Bread of Life, Whom we receive in the Holy Mass. Help us to share these blessings with others, we pray. Amen.

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